In August 2010 I visited with my XYL again our son Mike (5H3EE) and his family in Dar es Salaam. At this time it was also Mike’s daughter Kim with us. We again spent three wonderful weeks of holiday that will remain in our memory.
Ham radio was of course also planned.

With the experience from 2008 and with Mike’s improved station equipment (K3, Spiderbeam) 4178 QSO’s were in the log (CW = 3330, RTTY = 223, BPSK = 625). I have been working without a PA. Because of a family weekend trip to the Usambara mountains I was unfortunately not able to take part on the WAEDC.
In the first two weeks the Spiderbeam was fixed to the North (Europe).The installation of the rotor later was especially good for the JA’s.
Most of the QSOs I made at 21 MHz (1802 QSOs). 18 MHz = 203, 14 MHz = 1248, 10 MHz = 11, 7 MHz = 66). Sometimes I had strong QRM local.
In CW I was able to do fast split operation with most DX stations which unfortunately was not the case in BPSK. Many stations were calling constantly on my TX frequency which made a fluent operation very difficult.
Thanks to Mike who offered me his station for operation and to all who called me.