The 3rd trip to Mike and his family in Tanzania was in August/September 2012. This time only Mike’s daughter Kim was on the trip with me. The happiness was great when Mike, Zawadi, Malique and Yannick welcomed us – because of „small problems“ one day late – at the Dar es Salaam airport.
Again Zawadi and Mike had prepared an extensive visiting program for us. Among other we visited the Ngorongoro crater and the Lake Manyana park in the north of the country. This journey leaves staying impressions in us. Thank you for the beautiful time with you.
Of course I did some amateur radio activities too. Mike had managed to renew my license at the authority in time. Furthermore Mike’s equipment was essentialy improved compared with 2010.
The Spiderbeam and dipol antenna were lifted up in the meantime. Moreover he now owns an ACOM-1000-PA with which one could not overhear me worldwide.
I had my new Software Defined Radio FLEX-3000 with me and was able to test it with pile-up-conditions. Not being the hardest DX radio amateur I managed the pile-up fairly quick.
These radios have real advantages compared with normal TRX especially in split mode because of the visibility of the calling stations on the panoramic display.
My at home tested configuration – FLEX-3000, PowerSDR, N1MM logger with MMVARI decoder – extended with Mike’s equipment was proved to be excellent so this time I managed to do over 500QSO’s.
Again it was great to experience the pile up from the other side.
We also visited the club station 5I3A at´Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT), and gave support to configure the station for digi mode operation.
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